A new and fun way to explore
the Bible using 21st century technology.
A computerized "mind map". An interactive navigational guide to the most important information in the Bible about God, Jesus, the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, and Christian living - all logically arranged and connected in a fun to follow graphical format. Watch this short video...

Jesus and the Gospel Major Contents


00 The good news of The Gospel (6)

       The Kingdom of God (6)

       Only believe in Jesus (6)

01 Reality and Truth (7)

02 God exists (8)

02020606 Even scientists now believe the universe had a beginning (8)

02020806 God designed and tuned the universe for life (8)

04 The universe created through Jesus (9)

06 The universe created for Jesus (9)

08 Gods nature (10)

0802 Personal (10)

0804 All-powerful creator and sustainer (10)

0806 All knowing (10)

0810 Eternal (10)

0814 Unchanging (10)

0816 Total and perfect king (10)

0818 Loving (11)

081804 Gracious, merciful, forgiving, patient, generous (11)

0820 Good and just (11)

082002 Moral and good (11)

082004 Just (11)

0822 A promise keeper (12)

0824 Values relationships (12)

0826 A personality with whom we can relate (12)

0828 A perfect father (12)

10 Mankinds original right relationship with God (13)

12 Mankind broke its right relationship with God (14)

14 God wants each person to restore a right relationship with Him (15)

16 God prepared a plan for us to reconcile with Him (16)

18 God executed His plan (17)

1810 Gods promises and covenants with Israel (17)

18100206 Prophets spoke for God (17)

1812 The Mosaic Covenant and The Law - Part A (18)

1812 The Mosaic Covenant and The Law - Part B (19)

181216 The Christians response to the Mosaic Covenant (20)

1814 God chose Israel (21)

1816 Avoid pagan spirituality (21)

1818 Souls live after death (21)

1820 God prepared the world to receive Jesus Part A (22)

182001 Redeeming and ransoming (22)

182004 Sacrifices (22)

182012 Feasts (22)

182014 A high priest (22)

182020 The Good Shepherd (22)

182022 The Bridegroom (22)




1820 God prepared the world to receive Jesus Part B (23)

182026 The Law will be written on our hearts

182032 Stumbling blocks

182040 The high value of blood

20 God sent Jesus into this world on a rescue mission (24)

2006 What Jesus did (24)

200604 Was the perfect man (24)

200606 Exemplified an ideal man (24)

200610 Explained who He is Part A (25)

20061002 He is God (25)

20061012 He has total authority (25)

20061016 He is the prophesied Messiah (25)

20061018 He is the only way to God and eternal life (25)

20061020 He is the narrow gate (25)

200610 Explained who He is Part B (26)

20061042 He is a bridegroom (26)

2006104206 A traditional Jewish wedding (26)

20061044 The highest authority above Moses
and the prophets (26)

20061046 He fulfilled all Gods promises, prophesies
and The Law (26)

20061048 Accepted people worshipping Him (26)

200612 Said why He came (27)

20061212 He came to forgive sins against God (27)

200614 Was the perfect second Adam (27)

20061404 Only believe in Jesus to be adopted into Gods eternal family (27)

200616 Was the perfect high priest between God and humans (27)

200618 Was the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God (27)

200620 Proved His identity, authority, and truth claims (28)

20062002 Fulfilled Old Testament prophecies (28)

20062006 Performed undisputed miracles (28)

200622 Allowed Himself to be tortured to death (29)

200624 Rose to life again (29)

200626 Returned to heaven (29)

200628 Sent the Holy Spirit to us (29)

200630 Proclaimed the news of the Gospel would spread throughout the world (29)

2008 Jesus told us Gods truth (30)

200804 Only believe in Jesus to be adopted into Gods eternal family (30)

2010 Taught us what God, His truth, and His kingdom are like (30)

201004 Validated the Old Testament scriptures (31)

201006 Jesus approved the future teaching of the Apostles (31)

201008 Taught using parables (31)

201010 God is passionate about relationships (32)

201012 God relentlessly seeks us (32)

201014 God cares most about hearts (32)

201022 God responds to prayers (32)

201024 Explained the need to be born again spiritually (33)

201026 Jesus is a dividing factor (33)

20102604 Jesus is the narrow door (33)

201028 Believers will live with God eternally (34)

201030 God joyfully welcomes new believers (34)

201032 Have the faith of a child (34)

201034 Be light in the world (34)

201036 Be salt to the world (34)

201038 Satan is real (34)

201040 There is a Hell (34)

201044 Described the Kingdom of God (35)

20104408 Described Godly love (36)

201046 There will be resurrection (37)

201048 There will be trials and temptations (37)

201050 Beware of false prophets and teachers (37)

201054 Jesus will return unmistakably as ultimate judge (38)

2010541202 Believers and non-believers in the last days (38)

20105414 Judgment for non-believers will be harsh (39)

2012 Jesus made promises to believers (39)

2014 Jesus gave commandments (40)

201402 Enter only through the narrow gate (40)

201404 Obey Jesus commandments (40)

20140404 Abide in Jesus (40)

201406 Love God (40)

201408 Love your neighbor (40)

201410 Love other believers (40)

201412 Love your enemies (40)

201414 Do not repay evil with evil (40)

201416 Do not judge others (40)

201418 Be merciful (40)

201420 Be forgiving (40)

201422 Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated (40)

201424 Be generous (40)

201426 Serve the poor, children, helpless, outcasts, strangers (40)

201428 Serve other believers (40)

201432 Do not worry (40)

201434 Do not chase after material things (40)

201436 Obey civil authorities in civil matters (40)

201444 Take up your cross and follow me (40)

201446 Beware of false prophets and teachers (40)

201448 Be alert for Jesus return (40)

201450 Celebrate the Lords Supper (40)

201452 Teach everyone what Jesus commanded and did (40)

201454 Baptize believers (40)

22 What God accomplished through Jesus (41)

2202 A great mystery has been solved (41)

2204 God fulfilled His promises (41)

220402 We are saved by Gods gift of grace alone
(not good works) (41)

2204020602 The great exchange (41)

24 What God accomplishes in each believer (42)

2401 We now have eternal life (42)

2406 We receive Jesus righteousness (42)

2408 We are reconciled with God (43)

2410 God re-creates us as new spiritual creatures (43)

2412 God puts His Holy Spirit into us (43)

2412080406 Be in the world but not contaminated by it (43)

2416 God unites us with Himself (44)

2424 God adopts us as His children (44)

2430 God brings us as citizens into His Kingdom (44)

26 How to become an eternal child of God (46)

2602 Only believe in Jesus (46)

28 Gods promises through Jesus Part A (47)

28 Gods promises through Jesus Part B (48)

30 Starting a new life as a Christian (49)

3002 Make Jesus Lord of your life (49)

3004 Re-think your life and repent (change direction) (49)

3006 Let God begin to re-make you to be more like Jesus (49)

3008 Seek fellowship in a local church (50)

3008010602 You are one of many parts in one body (50)

3016 Be baptized by water (50)

3018 Celebrate the Lords Supper (50)

3020 Enjoy the freedom (50)



Christian Living Major Contents


32 Our purpose as Christians (51)

34 Being a disciple of Jesus (51)

3402 Live in a heart-to-heart relationship (51)

3404 Abide in Jesus (51)

3406 Worship God in everything you do (51)

3408 Live as Gods adopted child (52)

340802 Be in constant conversation (prayer) with God (52)

340804 God may speak in a variety of ways (52)

340806 Rely upon Him for everything (52)

340808 Be thankful to Him in everything (52)

340810 Dont misuse your freedom in Christ (52)

3410 Let Gods Holy Spirit fill you (53)

3412 Reflect God (53)

341202 Be loving (53)

341204 Be merciful and forgiving (54)

34120420 Do not judge but do discern (54)

341206 Be hospitable and generous (54)

341208 Practice righteous living (54)

341210 Demonstrate honesty and integrity (55)

341212 Be light (55)

341214 Be salt (55)

341216 Be a peacemaker (55)

341220 Reflect Jesus (55)

3414 Obviously serve a new master (56)

3416 Aim to please God (56)

3418 Seek greatness in Gods Kingdom (57)

3420 Be a good manager of Gods stuff (57)

3422 Gather for worship (58)

3424 Be united (58)

3426 Grow as a Christian (59)

342602 Become more like Jesus (59)

342604 Do Gods will (59)

342606 Become a more mature Christian (59)

342608 Learn the scriptures Part A (60)

34260814 Rightly divide the word of God (60)

342608 Learn the scriptures Part B (61)

34260818 To discern true from false teaching (61)

3426081828 Recognize and battle false teaching (62)

342610 Apply the scriptures well (62)

3428 Become a servant-warrior (63)

342802 Engage in spiritual warfare (63)

342804 Serve God and people (63)

3430 Be courageous and strong (63)

3432 Be passionate (63)

3434 Battle remnants of your fallen nature (64)

343402 Battle pride (64)

34340206 Be humble (64)

343404 Battle self-righteousness (64)

343406 Avoid idolatry (65)

343410 Avoid relying upon rules (legalism) and good works (66)

343412 Stop sinning (66)

343414 Practice confession and repentance (66)

343416 Do not worry (66)

3436 Be full of faith (67)

3438 Obey God (68)

3440 Obey civil authorities in civil matters (68)

3442 Be full of hope (68)

3443 Be thankful (68)

3444 Be full of joy (69)

344402 Deal with trials and suffering in a new way (69)

344404 Be joyful in suffering (69)

344406 Remember reasons to be joyful (70)

3445 Be content (70)

3448 Be confident (71)

344802 Christianity is an informed faith consistent with historical evidence and good science (71)

34480208 The historical resurrection of Jesus (72)

344804 The Bible is historically accurate and its text is reliable (73)

3448140412 The Old Testament is historically accurate (74)

3448140414 The New Testament is historically accurate (75)

34481604 Historical sciences support the Bible (76)

34481802 The materialism worldview (76)

3448180206 Scientific challenges to materialism (77)

34482004 Science and faith (78)

344826 Challenge the Darwinian origin of life (79)

344828 Challenge Darwinian evolution (80)

344830 Challenge the Darwinian origin of humans (83)

3450 Watch for Jesus return (84)

36 Be a disciple maker (85)

3602 The Great Commission (85)

360402 Proclaim with words (86)

36040204 The Gospel message (86)

360404 Proclaim by actions (86)

360406 Perspectives on proclaiming (87)

36040618 Religions and worldviews (88)

36040632 Lifes big questions (89)

36040634 Conversation questions (90)

360406340406 Religion and worldview questions (91)

36040636 Different types of people (92)

3606 Be prepared (93)

3608 Ignore all boundaries (93)

3610 Every believer is a missionary (93)

3612 Devote your efforts wisely (94)

3614 Dire consequences of rejecting the Gospel (94)

Verse Abbreviations and Background (95)

Frequently Asked Questions (98)


Important questions answered

1 Peter 3:15 always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you


These are some of the important questions answered in The Gospel Map, with supporting verses, that Christians should be prepared for:


How can I know that God exists? Topic 02

What is God like? Topic 08

What does God want? Topics 14, 201010, 201014

Who was Jesus? Topics 2006, 2014

What did Jesus come to do? Topics 20, 200612

How do I know that Jesus really was who He said He was? Topics 200620, 200622, 200624

How can I become God's adopted child and live in heaven forever? Topics 200804, 20102604

What were the parables Jesus used in his teaching? Topic 201008

What promises did Jesus make to believers?Topic 28

What commandments did Jesus give?Topic 2014

What did God accomplish through Jesus?Topic 22

What happens when a person chooses to believe in Jesus? Topic 24

Do Satan and Hell really exist? Topics 201038, 201040

What will happen when Jesus comes back a second time? Topics 201054, 3604063210

What will happen to those who die before believing in Jesus? Topics 20105414, 3604063210, 3614

How should I start a new life as a Christian? Topic 30

What is my purpose as a Christian? Topic 32

How do I be a disciple of Jesus? Topic 34

How can I grow as a Christian? Topic 3426

What is my human "fallen" nature? Topic 3434

How should a Christian deal with personal trials and suffering? Topic 3444

What is spiritual warfare? Topic 342802

Why is Christian faith not a blind, foolish faith? Topic 344802

How certain can I be that what I read in my Bible is what was originally written thousands of years ago? Topic 34480410

How certain can I be that Jesus really did rise again after being dead? Topic 34480208

How historically accurate has the Old Testament proven to be? Topic 3448140412

How historically accurate has the New Testament proven to be? Topic 3448140414

Are science and Christian faith totally incompatible? Topic 344820

How does good science support the Christian worldview? Topics 3448020402, 344816

Why do we know that the materialist worldview that there is no God or supernatural realm is not true? Topics 02020606, 02020608, 344818

Was life on earth created by chance and time as Darwinists claim? Topic 344826

Has all life descended from a single cell organism as Darwinian evolutionists claim? Topic 344828

Are modern humans descended from an ape-like ancestor as Darwinian evolutionists claim? Topic 344830

What makes Christianity uniquely different from other world views? Topics 20061002, 20061018, 20062002, 20062006, 2006200802, 200622, 200624, 200626, 344808

Who are we and where did we come from? Topic 3604063202

Why is there evil, disease, death, war and suffering? Topic 3604063204

Why doesn't good, all powerful, and loving God stop all the evil and suffering? Topic 3604063206

What is the purpose of life? Topic 3604063208

What happens when we die? Topic 3604063210

What can be done to fix this world? Topic 3604063212

What is the Gospel message? Topics 36040202, 38040204

What do other religions and worldviews believe? Topics 36040620, 36040622

How can I start a conversation about spiritual things? Topic 36040634

Who wrote the books of the Bible, when, and to whom? See the Verse Abbreviations and Background section